Leopalace offers special deals and facilitates the room searching of the Students of our School Partners through the LAM service . Press 「New Registration」 button to register on LAM.
For the Representative of School Partner who wishes to use LAM, please press the 「New Registration」 button and input the necessary information to register.
We will inform your ID and Password at a later date by e-mail ※We will send a mail of denial if there were multiple registration or insufficient contents. In this case, it will not be possible to make use of the service immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the number on the e-mail sent.
Please inform the ID and Password registered in the application form to the Student who will access the LAM website later on by him/herself. He/she will need these information to search a room on the website. ※To login go to the right top of the page
You can request a room according to your requirements at the site. Your request will be sent to the responsible Leopalace center.
Our representative will be responsible in introducing the ideal apartment according to your request.
Apply for the exclusive site for School Partners(LAM) here.
For the Representative of School Partner who wishes to use LAM, press the 「New Registration」 button to register.