
Confirmation of purpose of apartment use (for customers using monthly plan or short-term plan)


In accordance with the partial revision of the Consumption Tax Act on April 1, 2020, our company has been investigating the actual use of apartments by the following customers for the purpose of appropriate accounting.

Therefore, we ask that eligible applicants enter information about the apartment they are moving into in the "Purpose of Use Confirmation Form" link below and report the purpose of use of the apartment.

Target customer

  • Those who are currently living in our apartment on a monthly contract (monthly plan/short-term plan) as of April 1, 2020.
  • Those who are planning to move into (or have already started moving into) our apartment on a monthly contract (monthly plan/short-term plan) after April 2, 2020.
  • Those who signed a new monthly contract (monthly plan/short-term plan) between April 1st and 30th, 2020.

 ※Excludes those who subscribe to the student discount plan.

Regarding confirmation of purpose of use

Please check (reference) your contract and fill out the form to confirm the purpose of use.


Purpose of use confirmation form

Input form

※If you open the form screen with Internet Explorer, it may not work properly. We suggest  other web browsers such as Google Chrome. If you have any questions, please check with your contract incharge.