Online Consultation・Contract
- Chuo 2-5-23,Iwanuma-shi,Miyagi-ken|
- Tohoku main line 「Iwanumastation」walk 10 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in August 2007|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Minamihase Aza Haranishi 97-10,Iwanuma-shi,Miyagi-ken|
- Tohoku main line「Iwanumastation」Bus 15 minute Fukiagesanchome get off and walk 9 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in December 2014|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Minamihase Aza Nishihara 97-34,Iwanuma-shi,Miyagi-ken|
- Tohoku main line「Iwanumastation」Bus 15 minute Fukiagesanchome get off and walk 9 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in October 2016|