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No number of minutes on foot from the station specified
¥3,111 per day・E rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 12 minute Takatsu get off and walk 6 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in July 2000|
¥4,546 per day・E rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 17 minute Takakuma get off and walk 9 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in September 2001|
¥4,840 per day・G rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 12 minute Nokyosentamae get off and walk 4 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in May 2003|
¥5,096 per day・H rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 44 minute Ichiriya get off and walk 4 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in February 2004|
¥3,655 per day・I rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 45 minute Kasuganotsuji get off and walk 7 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in April 2004|
¥4,693 per day・F rank
- Yosan line 「Utazustation」walk 21 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in May 2004|
¥5,096 per day・H rank
- Yosan line 「Sanuki-shioyastation」walk 17 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in January 2005|
¥4,546 per day・E rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 45 minute Kasuganotsuji get off and walk 7 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in April 2005|
¥4,693 per day・F rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 12 minute Takatsudanchi get off and walk 10 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in May 2005|
¥4,840 per day・G rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 13 minute Horaibashi get off and walk 4 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in August 2005|
¥2,832 per day・C rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 15 minute Pokapokaonsemmae get off and walk 5 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in August 2005|
¥5,096 per day・H rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 13 minute Nishimurashimo get off and walk 8 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in March 2006|
¥5,096 per day・H rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 12 minute Takatsudanchi get off and walk 6 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in April 2007|
¥2,832 per day・C rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 14 minute Yamakitahachiman get off and walk 2 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in December 2006|
¥4,840 per day・G rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 18 minute Haradaminamiguchi get off and walk 6 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in August 2007|
¥5,390 per day・J rank
- Yosan line 「Sanuki-shioyastation」walk 17 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in May 2007|
¥4,840 per day・G rank
- Yosan line 「Utazustation」walk 28 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in February 2007|
¥5,243 per day・I rank
- Yosan line 「Utazustation」walk 24 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in March 2007|
¥5,096 per day・H rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 11 minute Yumetaummae get off and walk 1 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in June 2007|
¥4,840 per day・G rank
- Yosan line「Marugamestation」Bus 44 minute Ichiriya get off and walk 4 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in February 2008|