Online Consultation・Contract
- Kitahiranominamino-cho 5-40,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 24 minute Hiranominamiguchi get off and walk 3 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in July 2006|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Mikunino-cho Gochaku 1005-1,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line 「Gochakustation」walk 15 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in November 1999|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Nibuno 518-1,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Bantan line 「Nibunostation」walk 8 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in June 2000|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Nozato 940,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 15 minute Oshoji get off and walk 3 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in August 2001|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Mitachihigashi 6-4-5,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 28 minute Mitachinakagochome get off and walk 6 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in April 2002|