Online Consultation・Contract
- Nibuno 624-3,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 24 minute Kokudomariabyoin get off and walk 2 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in April 1998|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Shinzaike 290-158,Himeji-shi Aboshi-ku,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyodentetsuaboshi line 「Sanyo-aboshistation」walk 23 minutes|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in December 1995|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Kamiono 2-5-6,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 27 minute Ono get off and walk 3 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in February 1998|
Online Consultation・Contract
- Kamiono 6-6-55,Himeji-shi,Hyogo-ken|
- Sanyo mian line「Himejistation」Bus 29 minute Kami-ono get off and walk 1 minute|
- 2 story Apartment / Built in March 1998|
Property with higher rent