Rough initial fee estimate for 15581 105
Monthly Contract
Property number:15581
Total initial cost
¥597,641 / 181 days
The amount includes optional services.
Breakdown of initial costs
Tax rate
Amount of money
Monthly charge
Usage fee (181 days)
Key exchange fee/ Smartlock system registration fee
Antibacterial construction cost (Optional)
Tax-exempt subtotal
Tax subtotal
Consumption tax (10%)
Estimate as of February 18 2025. The amount will vary depending on the move-in start date and whether options are included. This does not guarantee the actual contract amount or contract itself.
We also have a plan for antibacterial installation cost of 23,769 JPY.
Additional fees apply for parking.
Separately, you will be required to pay a monthly adjustment fee in one lump sum depending on the period of use.
Monthly adjustment fee is a fee that requires some users to pay for the rise in prices of construction materials, crude oil, goods, etc., and other increases in building maintenance and management costs.
For monthly contract summary, click here Click here.
If you wish to complete the contract procedure in paper form, a separate administration fee of 1,650 yen (tax included) per contract will be charged. For details, please click here.